Portraits from the Multiverse

Portraits from the Multiverse is a collection of images of famous people that I modified using Machine Learning. These images may change your perception of our world.

Dimensions: 20 in x 28 in
Materials: limited edition digital print on archival paper

Shown at Double Take, Barett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, New York, Jan 21 to February 24, 2022

Portraits from the Multiverse is a collection of three sets of portraits that have been modified using Machine Learning. These images showcase famous people from different walks of life, from musicians to political leaders, and even characters from TV shows. The artwork aims to change people's perceptions and offer a unique perspective on how the world could be perceived. The three collections featured are “The 57 Club”, “Female Presidents”, and “Diverse Friends”. These collections depict famous people age-progressed to 57 years old, political leaders reimagined as women, and a popular TV show cast with more diversity in the lead roles, respectively.


Muybridge Derby


Reach, Color, Repeat